TK'Blue & Certibruit

According to a recent study by Bruitparif, an Île-de-France resident loses an average of eleven months of healthy life due to environmental noise pollution.

The impact of noise on health is nothing new; that's why noise has been one of the 6 negative externalities that the TK'Blue Agency has been assessing since its creation in 2012 in freight transport, alongside pollution, congestion, accidents, global warming....

With this concern becoming a priority in the city, it seemed only natural that TK'Blue should join the CERTIBRUIT association, which is developing and promoting a silent delivery scheme.

TK Blue Agency is honored to provide the association with additional insight into the quantification of negative externalities: not only the noise generated by deliveries, but also the impact on the cost of congestion, which can be reduced by postponing delivery times.

Eric Devin, Methodology Director at TK'Blue Agency, and Honorary Chairman of Certibruit, will represent the Agency in the association's work and development.

Finally, you should know that if a company is committed to a night-time delivery scheme, or wishes to do so, the Mairie de Paris has introduced two financial aids for professionals who deliver in the capital:

  • Assistance for the acquisition of soundproofed commercial vehicles, meeting the PIEK standard.
  • A grant to finance the various actions required (audit, works, certification) to soundproof Parisian premises.

Don't hesitate to make use of these aids, which correspond to actions explicitly recognized in the TK'Blue rating and indexes:

  • Piek vehicles declared by transport operators help improve the TK'T index of urban fleets
  • The Certibruit label is taken into account in the TK'RSE index, a new index dedicated to the social responsibility of transport operators.